Creative Craft Supplies Since 1949
Tel: (888) 937-2723

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Product Index
Product Search:

This detailed list allows you to locate specific products or groups of products within this site. Click on any item for complete descriptive and pricing information.


15W, 25W
18 Note Gold
18-Note Gold Musical Movement

2 Piece Harps for Lamps

30 Note Gold
300 Series
30-Note Gold Musical Movements
3D Floating Frames
3W, Flicker bulbs

4 point stilts
400 Series

5" diameter round wood base

7W, 25W, Round, Smooth, Dimpled Light Bulbs

Abrasive Files
Abrasive Pads
Acrylic Art Sets
Acrylic Base
Acrylic Clock Stand
Acrylic Display
Acrylic Frames
Acrylic paint
Acrylic paint set
Acrylic paint set with easel
Acrylic Paint Sets
Acrylic Photo Holder
Acrylic Place Card Holder
Adapters for Lamp Pipes & Carousel Poles
Adhesive Back Magnets
Adhesive Black Numerals
Adhesive Display Tabs & Suction Hooks
Adhesive Easel Backs
Adhesive Mounting Pad
Adhesives & Glue
Adhesives, Silicone Adhesive, Waterproof glue
Adjustable Wall Hanger
Airbrush Bottle
Airbrush Cup
Airbrush Hoses
Airbrush Manifolds
Airbrush Moisture Trap
Airbrush Parts
Airbrushes, Compressors & Accessories
Aluminum wind chime tubes, nylon stringing line, hanging loop
Animal sound
Animal Sound Devices
Animation Kit for Dona’s
Anime Markers
Applicator bottle
Aqua-pro watercolor paint palette
Arch Ornament Display
Armour Etch
Art Brushes
Art Brushes
Art project
Art set
Art Sets, Acrylic
Artist Accessories
Artist Pastels
Artist Pens & Markers
Artist Soft Pastels & Chalk
Artista Portable Pottery Wheel by Speedball
Artista Pottery Wheel
Artista Pottery Wheel
Artista Pottery Wheels
Artists Canvas
Artists’ Canvas
Arts and crafts supplies
Assorted Floral Decals
Attachment for Musical Movement
Automatic LED night light, auto night light
Aztec Hi-Fire Mender

Baby Body Doll Molds
Bags, Zip-Lock
Ball chain for socket
Ball chain for sockets
Ball chain pendant
Ball chain, Pull chain, Lamp socket connector
BAMA Kiln Stilts
BAMA Stilts
Banding Straps
Banding Straps / Mold Belts
Banding Wheels
Bar Fastener
Bar Magnet
Bar Pins
Bar Stilts
Basket Handle
Battery candles
Battery LED Light
Battery Powered Tealights
Battery tea light candles
Battery Tealight candles, LED candle
Bead Rack for Ceramic Kilns
Bearing Rings
Beer growler night light
Beeswax Socket Covers
Beveled Glass Shapes with pre-drilled holes
Bird Clips
Bird Leg Clips
Bisque Doll Kits
Bisque Files
Bisque Menders
Black clock hands, small
Black easel back
Body Molds & Patterns, Byron
Border Decals
Bottle candle holder
Bottle Cover for Airbrush
Bottle stopper
Bowl Holder
Bowl Holders
Box Hinges - Cast Metal
Boxes, Gift & Jewelry
Boxes, Jewelry
Boxes, Porcelain
Boxes, Porcelain Bisque
Brahms Lullaby
Brass coupling
Brass Egg Holder
Brass finish lamp socket
Brass Hinge
Brass lamp spider
Brass lamp tubing
Brass plated steel screws for lamp fitters
Brass plated washer
Brass Prog Studs
Brass socket
Brent Potters Wheels
Brent Pottery Wheels
Brent Slab Rollers
Brush Basin
Brush Cleaner
Brush Cleaning System, Rinse Well
Brush for Doll Wigs
Brush Washer
Brushes for doll painting
Bucket Handle
Bulk Glitter
Bulk Lamp Cord
Bulk lighting, Bulk cords, Bulk lamp cords

Candelabra base light bulbs
Candelabra base sockets
Candelabra for Bottles
Candelabra Kit
Candelabra Socket
Candelabra Sockets Screw Terminals
Candle covers
Candle Covers
Candle Cups
Candle Cups, Brass Finish Metal
Candle Flame Protector
Candle Holders
Candle Inserts
Candle Wick
Candle with Lid
Cane Teapot Handles
Caps For Ornaments
Cartoon art sets
Carving tool set
Center Key Windup
Ceramic Decal Paper
Ceramic decals for white or light colored glazes
Ceramic decals step by step
Ceramic Glaze Barrier
Ceramic Mold - Playmates
Ceramic Molds
Ceramic Overglazes & Metallics
Ceramic Tile
Ceramic Tool Set
Ceramic Tools
Ceramic Tools, Kemper
Ceramic tree light kit
Ceramic Tree Lights
Ceramic Wire
Ceramic wreath lamp making kit
Cernit, Polymer Clay
Chain for hanging lamps
Chain, Jewelry
Chalk, Pastel Sticks
Chalk,, Replacement and Refills
Check Rings
Cherub Clock Dial
Children's Subjects Decals
Chimney for Bottle Lamps
China, Undecorated
Chirstmas tree kit
Chisels, Wood, Linoleum
Christmas lights
Christmas Ornaments, Glass
Christmas tree
Christmas tree light kits
Christmas tree lights
Christmas Tunes Sankyo
Clay Bodies
Clay Boss Pottery Wheel
Clay Carbon Paper
Clay Gun
Clay, Polymer
Clay, Potters - Clay Sculpting
Clean Up Sticks
Clean Up Tools
Cleaning & Sanding Pads
Cleaning Pads, Greenware
Clean-Up Brush
Clear acrylic display stand
Clear bumpers
Clear Clock Display
Clear Coatings, Aerosol
Clear Handle Golden Taklon Brushes
Clear Revolving Display Base
Clear Spray-On Finishes
Clear Stoppers
Clear, Frosted and Colored light bulbs
Clear, Frosted and Colored Tapered light bulbs
Clear, incandescent candelabra bulbs
Clip in style candelabra sockets
Clip On Shade Adapter
Clip On Shade Holders
Clock Accessories
Clock Dials
Clock Hand Cover
Clock Hands
Clock Hands
Clock hands for 2" -3"
Clock hands for 3-1/2"- 5"
Clock hands for 6" - 8"
Clock hands, medium size
Clock installation
Clock making parts
Clock mechanism, without hands
Clock Mount
Clock Movement plus hands
Clock Movements for Large Hands
Clock Movements, Push In
Clock number
Clock Number Positioning Template
Clock numbers
Clock Numerals & Dials
Clock parts
Clocks - With Dial
Cloisonne Decals for White Ware
Cloisonne style
Cloth Dolls: Molds & Patterns
Color Wheel
Colored and clear round light bulbs
Colored Markers & Color Markers
Colored Pencils
Colored Pencils
Colored Tapered Light Bulbs
Colorobbia Gold Overglazes
Compact Pottery Wheel
Computer Crafts
Container Seals & Gaskets
Cord Protectors
Cord set Candelabra Style Sockets
Cord set molded plug, ON OFF switch
Cord set molded plug, ON OFF switch, socket, SPT 1
Cord set separate end plug
Cord set SPT 1, wire lead
Cord set with Edison base socket
Cord set with light bulb, candelabra base
Cord set with molded plug and stripped end
Cord set with socket and separate plug
Cord set with socket, switch, plug, SPT 2 wire
Cord Sets
Cord sets with multiple sockets
Cord sets with socket and molded plug
Cord Switches & End Plugs
Cord switches and plugs
Cord with plug
Cords on spools
Cords with on/off switch
Cords with socket and plug
Cords With Sockets and Leads
Cork Backing
Cork for Wine bottle
Cork pads, cork adhesives, cork protectors
Cork Plug
Cork stoppers
Cork, Felt & Rubber Protectors
Corks & Stoppers
Corks & Stoppers
Corks for bottles
Country Candle Light Bulbs, Steady burning, Flicker flame
Coupling, Brass, Threaded
Craft Brushes
Craft Cone
Craft Cones
Craf-T Decorating Chalks Refills
Craft Eyes
Craft Glitter
Craft Lathe
Craft mirror
Craft Mirrors
Craft Supplies Catalog
Craft Supply Catalog
Crank Attachment
Cress Glass Kilns
Cress Mfg. Glass Fuser Kilns
Cross bar
Cross bar with screw for ground wire
Crushed Glass
Cup and Saucer Stands
Cups, Candle
Cups, China
Cutout tool

Dark ware
Decal application
Decal Firing
Decal instructions
Decal Paper
Decal Transfer Paper
Decals directions
Decals for dark background
Decals for dark glazes
Decals for Glass
Decals for white background
Decals on Cobalt
Decorative Glitter
Decorative Hole Paper Punches
Deep Triangle Stilt
Diamond Dust
Digital Crafts
Digital Photo Album & Scrapbook Kits
Disc Magnet
Display Base with Lights
Display Bases
Display Bases
Display Domes & Cases
Display for baseballs
Display Metal
Display Stand for Ornaments
Display Stands - Plastic & Metal
DIY Home Projects
Doll Accessories
Doll Assembly & Parts
Doll Body
Doll Body Patterns, 18"+
Doll Body: Style Reference Guide
Doll booties
Doll Clothing Patterns
Doll Crafting Tools
Doll Display
Doll Eyes - Glastic Realistic
Doll Eyes - Glastic Original
Doll Eyes - Krystal
Doll Eyes & Wigs
Doll Fill Pellets
Doll Glasses
Doll hair
Doll Head Molds
Doll Molds, Byron - Byron
Doll painting brush
Doll Stand
Doll Ties, Nylon
Doll Tools
Doll Toy
Doll Wig
Domes, Glass & Plastic
Double Ball Tool
Double Sided Egg Holder
Drifting Bits
Drills, Multi Hole for Greenware
Drip Style Socket Covers
Dripping candle
Dry Glitter
Drying Rack

E 6000, Cement adhesive, Cement glue
Ear Wires
Easel Backs
Easel Backs & Acrylic Display Stands
Easel Backs for Photo Frames
Easels, Folding Plastic
Easter Egg Holders
Eastern Design Decals
Edison, Standard Bulbs
Egg Decorating Lathes
Egg Holder Vertical
Egg Stand
Egg Stands & Displays
Electric candles
Electric end plugs
Electrical beer growler lamp
Electrical cord sets
Electrical cord sets, white, black , brown, gold
Electrical cord switch
Electrical cords
Electrical custom ceramic craft
Electrical for ceramic wreath mold
Electrical for making lamps
Electrical for wine bottles
Electrical kit for jar, inside lighting
Electrical kit for small objects
Electrical kit with bent pipe
Electrical kit with bent pipe
Electrical kit with colored light bulbs
Electrical kit with straight pipe
Electrical kits
Electrical kits Gare
Electrical kits very long, very tall
Electrical lighting tall
Element Pins
Eliminator Stilts
End Plugs
Epoxy Cement
Epoxy Finish
Evenheat Kiln Parts
Eye Lashes, Doll
Eye Setting Wax

Fairy lights
Fancy Plate Display
FashenHues Non-Firing Stains
Feeder tube replacement
Felt Dots
Felt pads, felt protectors, felt discs, felt adhesives
Fiber Art
Fiberglass Wicks
Filbert Brush, Fan Brush
File for Wood
Files for Greenware
Filler, Doll Body
Fine Grit Sander
Firing Temperature
Fitter screws
Flame Protector for Bottle Lamps
Flameless candle
Flameless candle
Flat Brushes
Flat washers, Flat metal washer
Flexible Sanding Pads
Flicker flame bulbs candelabra base
Flicker Flame Light Bulbs
Flicker flame, Tapered, Colored, Candelabra bulbs
Flicker, Tapered, Round, Tubular and Wavy flame bulbs
Floating Candles
Floating Glass Candle Holders
Flocked Door Open Easel Back
Flocking for Crafts
Flowers, Porcelain
Foam Back Cleaners & Sanders
Foam Brushes
Forstner Wood Bit
Fossil Display
Fountain & Statuary Pump - Wired for AUSTRALIA
Frame back
Frame Hangers
Frames For Ceramic Tiles, Mirrors, Glass
Frames, Porcelain Bisque
French Doll Body Molds
Front mount clock
Fruits, Foods & Floral Decals
Full Size Turntables
Furniture Kits for Kilns

Gaskets, Jars
German Doll Body Molds
Gift box grass filler
Gift Boxes
Gift Boxes, Jars & More
Glass Candles
Glass Candles, Traditional Shape
Glass Crafting
Glass Display Bases, Mirrored
Glass etching
Glass Etching Cream
Glass Goblet Tops
Glass Kiln 89E
Glass Kilns - Cress
Glass Marbles
Glass Mirror
Glass mirrors
Glass Oil Candles & Inserts
Glass Ornaments, Round
Glass prism
Glass rain gauge tube
Glass rhinestone
Glass shapes
Glass thermometer
Glass Tile
Glass Tiles
Glass Votives for Candles
Glass water globe and rubber gasket
Glasses, doll
Glastic Original Doll Eyes
Glastic Realistic Doll Eyes
Glitter - Bagged
Glitter - Brush On
Glitter - Ultra Fine, Dry
Glitter, Bulk
Glue Gun
Glue Sticks
Glue, All purpose glue
Goblet Tops
Gold Accent Decals
Gold Accent Decals for Dark Ware
Gold clock hands, small
Gold Egg Stand
Gold Foil Gift Boxes
Gold Numerals
Gold, black clock hands medium
Gold, black clock hands, large
Gold, Colorrobia Overglaze
Golden Taklon brushes
Googly Eyes
Graphite Paper
Greenware Saw
Grinding Stone
Guide, Clock Numeral
Gummed Hangers

Halloween lights
Hangers for Doll Dresses
Hangers, Picture Frame
Hanging crystals for lamps
Hanging Display Tabs
Hanging glass terrarium with base, without base
Hanging mason jar lamp
Hanging terrarium
Hanging wine bottle lighting kit
Heart shape picture frame for light
Heavy duty cord sets
Heavy duty craft cones
Heavy Duty Rubber Bands
High Torque clock movement Kits with numerals and wall mount
High Torque Clock Movements
Hinges - Cast Metal
Hinges & Clasps
Hi-Temp Wire & Pins
Hole Punch
Holiday Tunes
Holiday Wood Carving Kit
Holly Berry
Home Décor Wall Art
Hook Wire
Hot Glue Gun
How to Apply & Fire Decals
How to apply decals
How to Fire Decals
How to install clock movement
Human hair doll wig
Hummingbird Feeder Tube
Hummingbird Feeder Tubes
Hummingbird Feeder Tubes & Accessories

Incandescent bulb, LED light bulb
Indoor, Outdoor thermometer
Ink Markers
Installation Instructions
International Tunes
Iron Bowl & Votive Holders

Jar lids for lamp making
Jars & Vials
Jewelry Making Parts & Porcelain Inserts
Joining threaded lamp pipe
Joints, For Dolls & Soft Art
Jump Ring
Jump Rings

Kanthal Wire (Nichrome)
Kemper 300 Series
Kemper 400 Series
Kemper Cleanup Tools
Kemper Detailing Tools
Kemper Doll Crafting Tools
Kemper Kiln Supplies
Kemper M Series
Kemper Multi-Drill
Kemper Patterns
Kemper Pottery Tools
Kemper Pro-Line Tools
Kemper Pro-Line Tools
Kemper S Series
Kemper Sculpting & Shaping Tools
Kemper Tools
Kemper Tools
Key Chains
Kiln Furniture
Kiln Posts
Kiln Posts & Special Purpose Stilts
Kiln Shelves
Kiln Stilts, Tripod "Y" 3-Point - BAMA
Kilns Glass - Cress
Kilns, Glass Fuser - Cress
Kilns, Portable
Kit for Ceramic Trees
Kit for tree lights
Kitchen Accessories
Kitchen Utencils, Wood
Krylon Clear Finishes
Krylon Spray Finishes
Krylon Spray Finishes & Gold Paint Pen
Krystal Doll Eyes

Lace Tool
Lacquered Cane Rattan Handle
Lady Finger Tools
Lamp Accessories
Lamp body caps, lamp body check rings
Lamp Check Rings
Lamp cord connection relief
Lamp cord end plug
Lamp cord set on off switch
Lamp Cord Sets
Lamp cord switches
Lamp extender
Lamp finial brass
Lamp finials, Lamp loops
Lamp Finials, Loops, Spindles, Necks & Spacers
Lamp hanging chain
Lamp hardware, Nipples
Lamp harp clamp
Lamp harp clamp set
Lamp Harps & Lamp Shade Holders
Lamp kit with straight pipe
Lamp making
Lamp Making & Lighting Kits
Lamp making Gare ceramics
Lamp Making Hardware
Lamp making hardware
Lamp making kit with side exit cord
Lamp Making Kits
Lamp making kits
Lamp making nipples
Lamp making parts
Lamp making parts
Lamp making pipes, rods
Lamp making rings, Brass
Lamp making tube
Lamp making without Pipe
Lamp making, brown, gold, side exit cords
Lamp neck and Trophy spacer, extender
Lamp neck brass, lamp neck gold plated
Lamp pendant
Lamp pipe
Lamp pipe brass
Lamp pipes
Lamp Pipes & Threaded Nipples
Lamp plugs
Lamp repair
Lamp repair hardware kit
Lamp Shade Adapter
Lamp shade holder
Lamp shade holder
Lamp shade holder clip
Lamp shade holder for tapered bulb
Lamp shade spider
Lamp shade spider 5" diameter
Lamp socket covers
Lamp socket nickel
Lamp socket phenolic, Lamp holder
Lamp socket with clip
Lamp sockets and holders
Lamp sockets with wire leads
Lamp sockets, Brass finish, Metal Shell
Lamp spacers
Lamp spindle, Lamp neck
Lamp tube
Lamp Wiring kits
Large clock hands
Large Clock Movements
Large Fastener Turntable
Large pinli
Large Plate Hanger
Large tree lights
Large tree lights
Lashes, Eye
Lathes, Decorating
Lazy Susan
LED bulbs
LED candles
LED canning lid light
LED for Ceramic Trees
LED insert
LED Light
LED Light Insert
LED mason jar light
Letraset Markers
Light bulb LED
Light Bulbs
Light Bulbs
Light for Ceramic Tree
Light for ceramics
Light sensing LED nightlight
Light Sockets, Lamp sockets, Lighting sockets
Lighting assembly parts
Lighting cord, white, black brown, plug, 4 ft, 6 ft, 8 ft, 15 ft
Lighting cords with 2, 3, 5 sockets
Lighting for beer growler
Lighting for ceramic house, tree, holiday, crafts
Lighting for paper lanterns, Edison light bulbs
Lighting inside of mason jar
Lighting kit
Lighting kit 2"Offset Pipe
Lighting kit 3-1/2" Offset Pipe
Lighting kit includes Edison style socket
Lighting kit no fixture pipe
Lighting kit small
Lighting kit with bulb
Lighting Kits
Lighting kits extra tall
Lighting kits for Gare molds
Lighting kits for tall objects
Lighting kits with bulb, tall
Lighting kits with bulbs
Lighting kits with separate sockets
Lighting, Cord set, Replacement cord set
Lighting, Lamp covers, sleeves
Limoge Style Boxes
Linoleum Carving Set
Linoleum carving tools
Liquid Gold and Liquid Platinum
Locknut for lamp making
Locknut lamp repair, lamp restoration
Lotion Pumps

M Series
Magic Mender
Magnetic Squares
Make Your Own Decals
Manga Marker Sets
Marker Sets
Marker Sets
Mason Jar Lid Candles
Mason Jar Lid with hole
Mason Jar Lids with Oil Candle Inserts
Mason jar lighting kit
Medium base lamp socket, nickel
Medium lights
Medium tree lights
Medium twinkle
Medium, Intermediate light bulbs
Menders & Enhancers
Metal Candle Holders
Metal Pot Holder
Metal Turntable
Micro Funnel
Mini Funnel
Mini Kemper
Mini Mirrors
Mini Music Movement
Mini pin
Mini Turntables
Mini Windup Keys
Miniature Musical Movements
Minuet Music
Mirror Shapes
Mirror Shapes
Mirror Tiles
Miscellaneous Ceramic Tools
Mixed Media Art Set
Mixed-media art set
Mixing Trays
Mobile Case for Music
Mobile Holder
Mohair doll wig
Molds For Doll Bodies
Molds, Baby, Bent Legs
Mop Head
Motion Producing Animation Accessories
Mounting bracket
Mounting Cup
Mounting pad for music movements
Multi Egg Holder
Multi Ornament Display
Multi-drill tool
Music box mechanism
Music box mounting pad
Music box pole adapters
Musical movement
Musical Movement Key

Nailhead Setting
Nailhead Stud Settings
National Artcraft Catalog
National Artcraft Pottery Tools
Nativity Staffs
Neodymium Magnets
Nichrome Wire
Nichrome Wire (Kanthal Wire)
Nigh light frame
Night light with picture frame
Night Lights
Night lights
Night Lights LED
No-Fire / Water-Transfer Decals
Non-Stick Clock Numerals
Numerals for Clocks

Offset Key
Offset lamp making kits
Offset lighting kits
Oil Paint Sets
Oil Paint Sets
ON / OFF switch
On Off levers for Music Movements
On Off switch
On/Off Attachments for Windup Musical Movements
Ornament Display
Ornament Hanger
Ornament Hangers
Ornament Hangers, Wire
Ornament Stands
Ornament Wire
Ornaments & Ornament Caps
Ornaments, Holiday
Ornaments, Porcelain Bisque
Ornaments, Round Glass
Orton Cones
Orton Cones
Orton Pyrometric Cones
Outdoor crafts
Oval chain connector

Paasche Airbrush
Pail Handles
Paint Brushes
Paint mixing trays
Paint Palette
Paint Palettes & Mixing Trays
Paint Safe Drying Table
Palette Knives
Palnuts, Locknuts, Hexnuts
Paper fiber cone, 7 inch
Paper Mache
Paper Punches
Paper, Transfer & Tracing
Paragon Portable Kiln
Paragon Portable Kilns
Pastel Chalks
Pastel Pencils
Pastels, Chalk
Pattern Cutters
Patterns for Doll Bodies, 18"+
Patterns, Doll Body
Pearls, Flat Back
Pencil Sets
Pendulum Clock Movement Kits with hands
Pendulum Clock Movements
Pendulum Clock Movements
People, Places & Vintage Design Decals
Phenolic socket
Phenolic socket keyless, turn knob, 2 bulb
Photo Frame Backs
Picture Frame Hardware
Piercing Tools, Kemper
Pin lights
Pinbacks, Jewelry
Pins, Brooch
Pipe bushing
Pipe Cleaners
Place Card & Photo Holders
Plastic Easel
Plastic Jars
Plastic rhinestone
Plastic stoppers
Plastic strain relief for cords
Plate Display
Plate Display
Plate Handles
Porcelain Bisque Boxes
Porcelain Flowers
Porcelain Flowers
Porcelain Roses
Porcelain socket
Porcelain Ware
Portable Pottery Wheel
Positioning Guide for Clock Numerals
Post Earrings
Posts, Kiln
Potters Clay
Potters' Clay
Potters Tool Set
Potters Wheel Artista
Pottery and Ceramic Tools
Pottery Clay
Pottery Kit
Pottery Tool Kits
Pottery, Ceramic Knives
Pour On Epoxy
Pre Drilled mason jar lid
Pre-drilled wood for lamp making
Prefilled Snow Dome
Prefilled Snow Dome
Pre-wired light
Printable Magnetic Sheets
Protective Cover for Clock Hands
Pull Music Key
Pull String
Pull String & Mobile Musical Movements
Pull String Musical Movements
Pumps, Dispenser
Pumps, Indoor Fountain
Punch, Paper
Push thru socket, nickel finish
Push thru socket, Phenolic socket, for Edison, medium bulbs
PVC plug
Pyrometric Cones
Pyrometric cones

Quartz Clock Movements
Quartz Clock Movements WITH Hands
Quartz Clock Movements WITHOUT Hands
Quick Connect Cord Set
Quick connect end plug cord, lighting, electrical sets
Quick connect, In-Line Socket

Rain collector, measure rain
Rain Gauge
Rain Gauges & Thermometers
Raine Guage
Ready-to-Install Clock Movements With DIAL
Receptacles, Electrical
Recess Smoother
Red, Gold Sable brushes
Red, Yellow, Flower Hummer tubes, plastic
Refills, Decorating Chalks
Repair kit hardware lighting
Replacement Christmas
Replacement Parts for Kilns
Reversible Stand
Rhinestone & Nailhead Setter
Rhinestone Chain
Rhinestones, Fancy
Rhinestones, Flat Back
Rhinestones, Pointed Back
Rinse Well
Rinse Well Brush Washer
Roller, Slab
Rose Decals
Roselli A Series
Roselli Kiln Stilts
Roselli Stilts
Rotating Display Bases
Rotating Night Light
Rotation Attachment
Round 18 inch wood
Round Brush
Round hole tool
Round shape light bulbs
Rubber Feet, rubber protectors, Rubber bumpers
Rubber Gaskets
Rubber Plug
Rubber Seal
Rubber Stopper
Rubber Stoppers
Rubber Washer, Felt Washer

S Series
Sable brush
Salt and Pepper Plugs
Salt Lamp Cords
Salt lamp lighting cord set
Salt lamp lighting SPT 2
Sanding & Smoothing
Sanding Block
Sanding Boards
Sanding Files, Pads, Etc
Sanding Pads
Sankyo music tunes
Sankyo Musical Movements
Saral Transfer Paper
Scrubbers, Ceramic/Porcelain
Sculpting Compound, Cernit
Sculpting Tool
Seals for Food Containers
Second Hands
Seiko Clock Movements
Self-Stick Easel Back
Shader Brush
Shadow Box Frames
Shape Cutter
Shaping Tool
Sheet Magnets
Shelves for Kilns
Shoes for dolls
Side exit cords
Silicone Adhesive
Silicone Dipped Light Bulbs
Silicone Rubber Stopper
Silk Sponge
Silver chain
Silver shredded grass
Silver Spray-On Enamel Paint
Sketching and Drawing Art Sets
Slab Roller
Sleeves for Candelabra Lamp Sockets
Small Plate Hanger
Small Twist
Smoothing Pads
Snap in socket, Press fit socket cord sets
Snifter Votive
Snow Dome
Snow Globe Gasket
Snow globe kits
Snow Globes
Snow Globes Without Bases
Snowflakes, Glitter & Drifting Bits
Snowglobe with Base
Socket cover
Socket Covers for Candelabras, Sleeves & Chains
Socket Covers with Wireway
Socket Covers, Candle and Chandelier Style
Socket Covers, Wax
Socket hardware kit
Socket keyless, pull chain, push thru, turn knob, 3 way,
Sockets and washers
Sockets for candelabra, wire leads, Quick connect, in line
Soft Pastels
Spatter Brush
Spattering and Texturing Tools
Special Occasion Decals
Specialty lamp making kits
Speedball Artista Pottery Wheel Small
Spiral Cleaner
Split Ring
Sponge, Synthetic
Spoolie Tool
Spools for lamp making
Spray Finishes
SPT 1, SPT 2 electrical cords
Sputnik tree lights
Squeeze Bottle
Stain Brush
Stained Glass Style Sheets
Stains, Fash-en Hues
Star Stilts
Sta-Wet Palette
Steady burning, Random blinking, Candelabra base
Steel cross bar
Steel Washers for lamp making
Stein Pin and Nut Set
Stemware Tops, Glass
Stick on clock numbers
Stilt Stone
Stilt, Multi-Pin
Stilt, The Eliminator
Stilts, BAMA
Stilts, BAMA Multi-Point Star
Stilts, Bar Multi-Point - BAMA
Stilts, Bead Rack - BAMA
Stone Carving Tools
Stoneware Clay
Straight and offset lamp pipes
Straight fixture pipe lighting kit
Strain relief for lamp cords
Strong Magnet
Stuffing Tool
Stylus Tool, Scalpel
Sun Catchers
Surface mount lamp socket, lamp holder
Surface mount socket
Switch for cords
Switches, On/Off for Power Cords

Tabletop Fountain Pump Accessories
Tabletop with mounting hardware, DIY table
Tabs, Hanging Display
Tabs, Pricing
Tags with String
Tags, Jewelry
Tags, with String
Takane clock kit
Takane Clock Movements without hands
Tanning Airbrush
Tapered Light Bulbs
Tapered shape, bright colored bulbs
Tea Lights with battery
Teapot Handles
Teardrop Spotter brush
Texture Brush
Thermometer Movement
Thermometer Tube, Glass
Threaded nipple
Threaded nipples
Threaded pipe
Threaded steel pipe
Ticking Sound
Tide Clock Movement
Tide Dials
Tier Tray Handles
Ties For Doll Assembling
Ties, Nylon
Tile Frames
Tile Trivet
Tile, Ceramic Glazed and Bisque
TimeZone Clock Movements
Torpedo Shape Light Bulbs
Transfer & Clay Carbon Paper
Translucent white, green, silicone dip bulbs
Tree bulbs
Tree insert light kits
Tree light kits
Tree Light Lighting Kits
Tree lights
Tree Lights Astro
Tree topper
Triangle Key
Tubing, Dispenser Pumps & Spigots
Tubular 6W, 15W, 25W
Tubular Clear and colored bulbs
Tubular shape T10 light bulbs candelabra base
Tulip Votive Cup
Turn Shaft
Turntable for Miniature
Turntables for Musical Movements

U Hooks
U Wire
Undecorated Porcelain
Undecorated Whiteware
Universal Banding Straps

Vase cap, washers, locknuts, palnut
Vials, Glass
Votive Candle
Votive Cups

Wall Art
Wall Displays
Wall Mounting Cup
Wall Receptacles, Kiln
Washers for lamp repair
Water Balls
Water Globe
Water globe and seal
Water Globe Gasket
Water Globe Glitter
Water globe kits
Water Globes Kits
Watercolor Art Sets
Watercolor paint palette
Watercolor paint set
Watercolor wallet
Wax Socket Covers
Wheels, Banding
White bristle brushes
White Lace
White Lace
White plastic stopper
White rubber washer, White felt washer
White socket covers
Wicks for Glass & Oil Candles
Wig for doll
Wild Fiber
Wild Fiber Decorative Paper Mache
Wildlife & Pet Decals
Wildlife Art
Wildlife Wall Art
Wind chime tubes, rods, parts
Wind Protector
Wind up music box
Windchime Tubes
Winding Keys & Key Extenders
Windup Key
Wine bottle candelabra
Wine bottle corks
Wine bottle lamp kit
Wing Back
Wipe out tool
Wipe Out Tool
Wipeout Tools
Wire Connectors
Wire, Kanthal Hi-Temp
Wiring Kits for Lamps
Wood & Linoleum Carving Tools
Wood base for lamps
Wood base for lamps
Wood Bases
Wood Carving Sets, Wood carving tools
Wood carving tools
Wood Dial
Wood Display
Wood Frames
Wood Frames
Wood Frames
Wood table top
Wooden Lamp Bases
Wreath Lighting Kits

Yun Sheng Musical Movements

Zip-Lock Bags
National Artcraft Co.
300 Campus Drive, Aurora, Ohio 44202 USA
Toll-Free Phone: 888-937-2723   |   Toll-Free Fax: 800-292-4916
Outside USA Phone: 330-562-3500   |   Outside USA  Fax: 330-562-3507
Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., ET
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